You Can Get Better. Don’t Give Up Yet.

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You can get better. Don’t give up yet.

The Big Picture

It feels like mental illness keeps us captive. When you are first diagnosed, not much is within your control. When someone offers you a coping strategy, you scoff, saying they just don’t get it. It’s a problem in your brain. It’s medical. Thoughts can’t change it. Actions can’t change it. Nothing can change it. There is absolutely no hope of ever getting better. But you can get better. Don’t give up yet.

Sometimes the suffering is so great that getting better seems impossible, and maybe even undesirable. If you get comfortable with your pain, you may become attached to it on the level of your personality and be horribly afraid that you will lose the core of who you are if you get better. You can get better. Don’t give up yet.


What will make me better?

If you are willing, with therapy and training, it is possible to get some relief from your symptoms, including depression, anxiety, panic, psychosis, and terrible, horrible thoughts that hurt so much that they make you want to die. Your thoughts can become easier to handle. You can learn how to make your thoughts less painful. This takes work: willing and dedicated work. Open yourself up to the possibility that you could live in your brain more easily. You have to be willing to try if you’re going to improve. It is possible to die in pain. It is possible to live in pain. It is possible to manage your pain, and gradually experience less of it. Pick the possibility that you want. Worry about failure later. For just a minute, mentally hold the notion that you could get better in front of you as if it is real and achievable. If you really could live in less pain, are you willing to try to feel better? The average mentally ill person has way more strength inside themselves than most people will ever be forced to access. You are so strong. You can try anything. You can get better. Don’t give up yet.

Medicine is more than half the battle. Without a psychiatrist on your team, your journey will be much more difficult. If you do not yet have a psychiatrist and therapist, read this article about professionals you need on your team.

For those of you already on medication, keep in mind that trial-and-error is the norm for prescribing psychiatric drugs. You will likely have to try several duds before you find the pill or pills that start the process of freeing you from your cage of pain. The process sucks. It just sucks. And the only way out is through. Trust that you are doing important work for the sake of your health in the long-term. Take notes on your symptoms to report to your doctor so that this process is as short as possible. Taking detailed notes ultimately minimizes the pain caused by medications that are a bad fit and have bad effects on you. Once you get to the right drug, your life will rapidly improve and it will be easier to use your coping skills. You can get better. Don’t give up yet.

Therapy can help anyone. That means therapy can help YOU. You set your own goals in therapy, and you can choose whatever it is that you need: alleviating anxiety, depression, paranoia, delusions, or simply reducing pain in your life. It may take several years of work with medicine and therapy to recover from your illness, but you will start learning right away, and bit by bit you will learn how to live in less pain. Any tiny bit of progress helps you, and all those tiny bits add up to the bigger picture of a healthier and more fulfilled you. You can get better. Don’t give up yet.


What if I’m stuck?

You’ll notice that I said healthier and more fulfilled, not healthier and happier. That’s because happiness is not the goal here. Happiness is fleeting. Contentment and meaning, however, can stay with you, and eventually, as you progress, you will keep an underlying foundation of meaning, even on your worst days. With proper treatment over a long enough time span, yes, you will have happy times. But contentment and satisfaction rest in how much meaning you have in your life. If you currently have no meaning, I can relate, and so can millions of other people. You’re not lost or hopeless. You’re stuck. When you get unstuck you will continue to move forward again. You can get better. Don’t give up yet.


What if my life has no meaning?

If you are stuck and your life has no meaning, we can start to fix that this minute. Get a pen and paper and write down 3 values (read a list of values here) that are important to you. If you can’t decide or get stuck, borrow mine:

  1. Putting love out into the world
  2. Authenticity
  3. Learning

Now write down any actions you could take that would support those values.

Putting Love Out Into The World

    • Saying “I love you” to a friend.
    • Texting someone I love.
    • Genuinely complimenting a stranger
    • Telling the cashier a genuine thing about your day.
    • Making funny faces at a child
    • Holding the door for someone
    • Refilling the coffee pot
    • Taking out someone else’s trash without being asked
    • Smiling at many people
    • Having a brief conversation with a homeless person, even if you don’t want to give them money
    • Spending extra time doing things that make your pets happy
    • Loving your children



    • Read about science
    • Read about politics
    • Try to draw something
    • Improve your musical skills
    • Learn how to make origami
    • Googling anything you want to know
    • Do a deep dive on Wikipedia
    • Read about philosophy
    • Read about space
    • Read about logic
    • Read about psychology



    • Share an informational article you care about on FacebookTell a loved one about something that is important to you
    • Wearing what you feel represents you instead of dressing for someone else
    • Stop shaving your legs
    • Apologize to someone (if you need to)
    • Make jokes even if you think they won’t land
    • Say authentic things to strangers, like at the grocery store: “I always worry when they ring me up, I get so anxious!” combined with a smile. You will be shocked at how quickly people’s walls come down if you say anything other than the prescribed” how-are-you -fine-have-nice-day-you-too” boring polite bubble.
    • Post online about something you did that you are proud of
    • Laugh as much and as loudly as you want to

Now you have a list of actions you can take that will give your life meaning. It is great for your self-worth to have values and try to figure out what things are important to you. I recommend writing down all the things that are important to you, just so you can see all your values on paper, clearly written out for your consideration. On this journey, you may also figure out which things you do not value, which is just as helpful. You can stop worrying about those things so much and focus on your own values, your own priorities, and your own choices. You as a human have inherent worth, you deserve love, and you have the power to have a meaningful life. You can get better. Don’t give up yet.


What will getting better look like?

When your actions line up with your values and you start to find some meaning in your life, it will be easier to fight the good fight with mental illness. You use the skills you learn in therapy to ease your movement through your own psychic landscape, and even in the times when you feel your worst and want to die, you will have a meaningful life. Being miserable can pass. With work, it can even be fought. While your perception of your value may disappear in the depths of an episode, coming out the other side and seeing that your life had value the whole time you were miserable will strengthen you. When you do this enough times -emerge to find your life still has meaning- you will grow to know, even at your worst, that you and your life both have worth. You can get better. Don’t give up yet.

Going into remission is a fantastic goal. For me, it took the trifecta of medicine, therapy, and coping skills, including working toward my values, to get to a place where I get some relief. I appreciate my life, and here’s the kicker: I still have episodes. I still sometimes think about suicide. My life is beautiful. When I go into my darkest place, I still come out into a beautiful, meaningful life. You can’t escape pain entirely, but I suffer much less now than I did 13 years ago when I was first diagnosed. I am in partial remission most of the time. I handle my episodes with grace and dignity. 13 years ago, I would not have believed anyone who told me that I could feel better. Shit, I wouldn’t have believed anyone who told me I would survive the first year of my illness. But I put one coping skill on top of another for 13 years, and the effect was cumulative. I tried many medicines, doctors, therapists, and coping strategies. I took notes. I learned, bit by bit, how to be healthy. I had to live it myself before I believed it was possible, and I won’t blame you if you can’t yet believe that you can get better. If you don’t believe it, try anyway. The worst thing that can happen is that nothing changes. The best thing that can happen is that you will have a rewarding life, episodes and all.


Don’t give up yet.

15 Replies to “You Can Get Better. Don’t Give Up Yet.”

  1. Awesome. I work with people living with this condition. This is great insight into understanding a continuously changing yet same world. Thanks for sharing

    1. Akin, I have some posts and poetry/lyrics at: EverythingBrendenMartel.Com, that might help give you some more insights into the disease, as well. Keep helping those in need.

  2. I love it!

  3. You are awesome!
    And it’s not a broken brain you have – just a different type of engine.

    1. goldfishpainter says: Reply

      Thank you, that’s beautiful.

  4. Great
    I will mention your experience in my book on life.

  5. Great
    I will mention your experience in my book on life

    1. goldfishpainter says: Reply

      Thank you! :)

  6. Great post. The more people talking about bipolar and mental illnesses the less of a stigma there will be, I feel. I know people that try and hide their diagnosis, but it is too big of a part of my life for me to try and do that, personally. It affects a lot. I write about bipolar disorder in my personal vlog section and poetry/lyrics section of my blog, EverythingBrendenMartel.Com, you might want to check it out. Also, I am an artists interested in selling prints someday through my WordPress, and was wondering if you find you do good business doing that, yourself?

  7. Peace, Namaste’ I’ve been a mess since 2012, March. Had a Mid-Life Mental-Physical health breakdown. Have several diagnosis (add,PTSD, Bi-polar,Recovering Alcoholic-22years this YEAR-2019:-) PRoud ITALIAN Too;-) SURVIVOR OF ABUSE, Raped by relatives, & ther friends& by my poor choices. Major Depressive Disorder since youth(but drinking made me happy in beginning) SHEWee BUTT I GOT MY ASS SOBER IN 1997& eventually continued life of sobriety till 3-2012! I survived because I was a crazy, obsessive, workaholic-2-! But I was always proud of fact I worked hard, paid my own wAy! I didn’t rely or NEED ANYBODY OR ANYTHING, that made me feel Independent & Strong…TOUGH!That’s when I was blindsided w-job loss, homelessness, financial ruin, new mental/physical health issues, hopeless& really broken, raging blind furious!l? Numb, off my rails, basically in a black hole…my own hostage, a prisoner& didn’t wanna be bothered. Nothing made sense, I had no desire, energy left to invest in searching for answers I was done! I was also living at the beach for 16 years(left crappy PA) believed I was doing it way I was supposed to…following ALL THE FRIGGEN RULES….-4-WHAT! So at 47years old(after getting 1st job@161980)my ENTIRE SOBER LIFE COULD JUST FALL APART& I loose everything, I MEAN I REALLY SCREWED MYSELF, not taking better care of myself, just believing my doctors knew what was best! All they did was keep changing my Meds, tell me some crap it’s gonna take awhile to find rite mix or dosage…blah blah. They damn near ended me, mid diagnosis me over& over, kept passing me from doctor to nurse, etc. Then nobody for awhile, basically staff let me slip through cracks of health system. After awhile I got sick& tired of them patronizing, feeding me ther therapy bullshit, it was old& I was tired of wasting time,$$& month after month feeling worse. I flipped on my auto pilot switch& checked myself rite outta this Universe…..due to wrong meds, for so long, constant change meds/diagnosis, physical health poor, Director Md.State Health Dept. Told me, now 2mths.ago I’m seeing m 1st male therapist who feels I’m Borderline Personality! I’m so depressed after reading the DSMV criteria diagnosis, symptoms, all the negative online feedback has just devasted my glimmer of hope for sense of Peace, Joy, Relief from my inner Prison

    1. goldfishpainter says: Reply

      I don’t check on the comments on my site very often, and I just read and approved yours today. I wanted to speak specifically to you.

      I could guess early on in your message that you have borderline personality disorder, and was not surprised at all when you mentioned it at the bottom. I’ve spoken to MANY people with mental illness, and I’ve seen other people with your writing/self-reporting style that also have BPD.

      Before you feel accused, I want you to know that I recently found out that I have “strong borderline personality disorder traits” myself. When I started researching it, it made me feel like a terrible person. I felt like I was just reading list after list of every problem I have and every reason that I was wrong to be the way that I am. That is NOT how it should be to research your own mental illness. Because there is so much stigma around BPD, we need to be careful about what sources we use. You can buy a book online called “Mindfulness for Borderline Personality Disorder”
      You can buy it from this link.
      It has changed my life and has never made me feel bad about myself or my struggles. Please buy this book.

      Borderline usually doesn’t respond to meds. Many people with BPD also have comorbid (co-occurring) illnesses, and those illnesses can sometimes be treated by meds. Many people try medication and wind up unsuccessful because no one ever taught them how to be a psychiatric patient. Please read this article so that you can learn the things I wish everyone knew about their responsibilities as a patient. If you don’t know these procedures, it’s likely that you will give up on psychiatry before you find a good med. This happens to so many people. And if you ONLY have borderline, then meds are not the answer at all.

      I want to wish you luck on your journey. Please don’t give up. There is peace to be had. You are a worthy human being, and you deserve inner peace.

      love and empathy,
      Emily K Harrington

  8. It really helped me to read some of your posts. I have bipolar disorder with psychotic features, cycles usually 3-5 days. I was diagnosed at 15 and I am 50 now. Approximately 18 months ago I started to be able to be in reality and a psychotic episode. It does help most days but my episodes are usually terrifying. It was calming to hear that I am not the only with these symptoms.
    Thank you

    1. goldfishpainter says: Reply

      That is so wonderful to hear that you can now incorporate reality into your psychosis, that’s huge. You indeed are not alone. And when psychosis scares us, calming down is every bit as difficult as calming down after a physical threat. I applaud your hard work for 35 years.

  9. I don’t have anything left. I’m going to kill myself this week.

Thoughts? I will listen.